Optimal Popuplation.
The population of Australia per is one of the lowest in the world with approximately 3 people per square kilometre. There are approximately 26 million people on a continent the size of the continental United States. In comparison, the population of Australia is about the same as the population of Florida.
Some people believe the population is already too big and cannot support much larger than the current size. The catch 22 here is that you need more people to exploit more land to produce food for a larger population. In reality, Australia needs more population for a number of reasons.
1. A larger population is required to exploit the large amount of natural resources and arable land.
2. A larger population allows for a larger domestic economy and therefore higher tax revenues to enable a lower cost of living and higher standard of living.
3. A larger population positions Australia as a more influential power in world affairs and better able to protect it's neighbourhood of small democracies.
4. A larger population goes towards some extent of alleviation of population pressures around the world.
Many voices cry that a larger population brings about more pollution and corruption of natural eco-systems. In reality a larger population would be centred on cities close to water bodies and if managed responsibly, would have little to no impact and perhaps even a beneficial effect of more feet on the ground for environmental projects.
Additionally the world is fast moving away from fossil fuels and any new cities or expansion of existing cities would rely on this green technology. The social narrative and up and coming young environmentally savvy generations will not allow a return to the old smoggy ways.
Australia is also one of the countries least impacted by the downturn in birth rates around the world, in large part due to immigration. Australia was born if immigration and we really should be finding better ways to manage it rather than complicate the immigration process.
Immigration has many values.
Firstly, allowing for sustainable population growth with the previously discussed benefits.
Secondly, larger minority populations allow for economic connections with their countries of origin, such as India, China, South America and South East Asia, all up and coming economies from which Australia will benefit economically in the future.
How do we manage this? We manage this through several ways, either the construction of new cities, I suggest 2 larger cities, one of the southern coast of Australia between Adelaide and Perth and one on the coast of the newly created Kata Thanda Sea. Expansion of Northern and Eastern Cities, such as Broome, Townsville, Darwin, Rockhampton and Newcastle should also be considered.
Now before any jumps around saying that more migrants are a nuisance and taking our jobs, remember, that increased population = more city and town growth = increased gross domestic product = equals more revenues, taxes and benefits, both socially and economically.
So remember the benefits discussed above and also the second verse of our beloved National Anthem with the lines:
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To advance Australia fair.
It's odd we don't sing this part. Or maybe we should get a different National Anthem?